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  2. Adult Breastfeeding - ABF ANR Dating & Relationships. For those seeking an adult breastfeeding or adult nursing relationship (ABF/ ANR), this is the perfect place to find your partner. Register today for FREE and you can browse members’ Profile Pages, reply to Personal Ads (and place your own), send Private Messages to other members, and use.
It was the evening of March 30, 2010 and my fiance' at the time, now wife, were lying together in her bed talking about our life together. I told her that all I wanted to do was lie there with 'my head in her bosom' while we talked. She told me that I could do that but I had to suck on her breasts until she told me to stop. It was kind of comical, we laughed, and I complied.

Mobile view.Anr dating meaning Bbc is an honey on craigslist, anton alexandrescu collection, and tobago is an expression like the internet, e. Users interested in anr adult nursing relationships is only interested in adult nursing relationship. People looking for a real ANR/ABF and also for people into breast admiration and worship, tell us your story then Google ANR dating sites and join one or all of them. Created Sep 1, 2019. Nsfw Adult content. Moderator list hidden. A exclusive online dating community for people, singles and couples seeking ABF/ANR, Adult Nursing Relationship lifestyle and meeting and dating busty women for lasting relationships.

Initially, we both thought this was going to be foreplay that would lead to our normal nightly lovemaking. But somewhere during the suckling, something would change. After what had to be at least 30 minutes, I looked at my fiance and she looked at me and we knew we were about to give birth to a new dimension of our relationship. She said to me, 'I wonder if you could bring in my milk?' She had breastfed her 3 children and had not been lactating for about 6 years. I was on board with this, as this time when I sucked her breasts, I imagined what it would be like to taste her milk.
Anr Relationship SiteImmediately we agreed that this was something we would try and we found that we were not alone. Information however, was sketchy and it seemed that this was still being treated as taboo. We googled upon a website called and found it to be the most helpful. It was a physician who explained things well and made us feel comfortable and completely normal in our desire to pursue this lifestyle.
Her thoughts:
Most of the information we found on relactation told us not to expect any milk for at least 2 months and possibly longer. We didn't like that thought, so after nursing 3 times a day for about a week and a half, we decided to dedicate an entire weekend to nursing. We started on a Friday at 8am and nursed 30 minutes (15 on each breast) every 2 hours all weekend. (The sex was incredible!!) Only 2 weeks into our attempt to relactate, the first signs of success appeared. We were both thrilled! It couldn't have come at a better time.......the eve of my fiance's birthday.
My milk came in little drops at first but steadily increased over time. The best way to increase your milk supply is to nurse more. We both have very flexible schedules and so we are very blessed to have the freedom to nurse whenever we want. Something to remember when attempting to begin an MUST be committed to this process and one another or you will become very frustrated. There is nothing I will not do for my husband and nursing him tops the list. More on that in my next post!

I have been in an adult breastfeeding relationship with myhusband since I turned 27, so for the past nine years, almost 10. I didn’trealize how many couples were into nursing relationships until I startedlooking around online.

I found that many couples have had issues or problems inducing lactation so I thought I would write this article to help some couples “figure it out.” Below you will find a very in-depth guide on how I induced lactation for my husband… and myself. Yes, I admit it… I found it to be a very erotic thought.

First… Why me and my husband decided to induce lactation

I have no children of my own, my husband brought a son anddaughter to our marriage with him though. I love them to death and think ofthem as my very own.

I do wish that I could have experienced pregnancy andbreastfeeding though as I am sure most women would. Anyways I digress to mypoint.

Me and my husband were talking about different things we could do to spice up our sexual relationship one evening when the topic of breastfeeding came up. Although he did have two children with his ex-wife, she would not let him experience adult breastfeeding. She thought that it was disgusting and “animalistic” lol.

I did some research and learned that you can inducelactation “easily.” The reality is that it is not easy to induce, despite thedifficulty I was very successful at it and have been lactating for almost 10years at this point. I am hesitant to say it is not easy, what I shouldprobably say is that it takes a lot of time, dedication and planning.


One word of caution is that if you plan to induce lactation and breastfeed your husband or boyfriend it will significantly change the appearance of your breasts and nipples. This was not an issue for me, but it could be for some people.

How I induced lactation for my husband and I

First off, there are drugs available that will help you lactate. I did NOT use these drugs to induce lactation except for Yasmin birth control pills. I was successful only using only these pills, my husband, a good breast pump, massages and herbs. To be successful at inducing lactation you must have dedication, time and be very patient.

Inducing lactation supply list

  • Three months supply of Yasmin birth control pills
  • Husband or boyfriend
  • Hospital grade breast pump
  • Herbal Supplements

My schedule or protocol for inducing lactation

  1. Day 0 to 60 – I took Yasmin brand birth control for 60 days; this is the first step I took to induce lactation. I know that some women take it much longer, I would guess that 9 months would be the best length of time. It is important that you ONLY take the active pills. This tricks your body into thinking it is pregnant. I was not on any birth control prior to this. WARNING: I am not a doctor or medical professional. Do not take medication without talking to your physician first. Sorry, had to say that!

After about 60 days my breasts felt tender and sore, my bustalso increased somewhat in size.

2. Day 54 – I started taking herbs.

  • Fenugreek 500 MG twice a day
  • Milk Thistle 375 MG Twice a day

3. Day 61 – I stopped taking Yasmin.

4. Day 61 – 62 I started pumping my breasts with a quality breast pump (double pump) or having my husband suck on my nipples. Make sure that at least an inch of your areola is in your significant others mouth while he rhythmically sucks. You may experience some discomfort, but you will get through it and your nipples will get a little tougher.


For the first two days I pumped every two hours for 6 to 8minutes on each breast. This will end up being about 12 times a day. I set thepump at a med-high in strength.

5. Day 63 to milk – I pumped every four hours after day 63 for about 8 minutes on each breast. You will find that a double pump will save you tons of time. If I remember correctly, I started getting breast milk about two to three weeks later, so about day 80 or so. These were only drops of milk though.

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Over the course of the year I gained more milk month bymonth.

6. Currently – I have sustained my ample milk supply for almost ten years at this point. I pump or breastfeed my husband three times a day. I donate a ton of milk to my local milk bank.

If took about a year from start to finish until my breasts were completely full of milk and heavy.

My breast pumping procedure

  1. I give myself a breast massage with very firm pressure starting at the top of by boobs and work down to the nipple/areola.
  2. I drag my fingers lightly up and down my breasts, kind of like tickling them. This give me let-down.
  3. I then dangle my breasts, jiggle and flop them around while bent over. This allows the milk to start flowing to the nipple.
  4. I then start pumping or nursing and completely drain my breasts.

How long it took to induce lactation

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From the start to FULL milk production it was one year. My first milk drops appeared at about 3 months, maybe a little less.

My diet while inducing

During the first year I ate old fashioned oatmeal, salads, lean meats, yogurt and nuts. Oranges are also good for you when trying to produce breastmilk. Basically, I tried to eat as healthy as possible and include any foods known to help with breast milk production. I took prenatal vitamins for the first three months also.

What is the Best breast pump to induce lactation with?

The Medela Pump in Style Advanced is exactly what I used, it is close to hospital grade. A cheap breast pump will not work as well because the suction is less life like. I have tried them all at this point and am very satisfied with my purchase. Remember you need to trick your body into think it has a real baby.

My menstrual cycle and lactation

It is not uncommon for women to have irregular or no periodwhile lactating. This was a surprise for me, I thought something was wrong atfirst. Have no fear if you start missing periods, it’s means that you aremaking milk!

Nursing bras are a must

Nursing bras are a must for me, I own nothing else. I also always wear a nipple pad in case I leak breast milk. I love these nursing bras from amazon, great price also. Here are some cheap nipple pads also.

Stay stress free

It is important to be relaxed and stress free while you arepumping or nursing. Stress can interfere with the let-down reflex. Let-down iswhen your body allows the milk to flow from your milk ducts to the actualnipple.

Sometimes hearing a baby cry can cause let-down inbreastfeeding women. It is not a crazy idea to watch videos of babies or listento baby noises while pumping to induce lactation. This can often help stimulatethe let-down reflex.

Breast and nipple changes while breastfeeding

If you are going to induce lactation for your husband orboyfriend, I promise you he will not want you to stop. After 10 years ofbreastfeeding my breasts are a lot different than they use to be. I am notsaying this to discourage anyone at all, just expect changes.

Long term breastfeeding has made my once perky-ish 38Dbreasts saggy and stretched out. My nipples are also much larger and stick out allthe time with great definition.

Can anyone induce lactation for their husband?

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I can not answer this question. Every woman’s body is different,every breast is different. From the research I have done I believe it is safeto say that the vast majority of women can induce lactation.

A few points about inducing lactation and adult breastfeeding

After 10 years of an adult breastfeeding relationship Istill enjoy it and so does my husband, it is an amazing experience that bringsus closer together. I will admit though that I feel like a cow sometimes, literallylol.

If you have questions or comments, please leave them below!Good luck to you and I hope you can induce lactation for your husband as easilyas I was able to.