Christian Dating In Your 30s

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A lot of people will try to tell you that being single past your 20s should raise concern. They’ll remind you of your biological clock, they will say that your standards are too high, and they’ll even take a stab at crushing your dreams of finding that one-of-a-kind relationship. But single life in your 30s isn’t everything people say it is.

Many articles warn that the dating odds don’t work in favor of those in their 30s, but the fact is that millennial marriage rates are dropping across the board and your 30s may actually be the best time to look for someone.

In light of all the external pressure that you may feel to jump into a relationship, we put together a list of all the absolutely awesome things about single life in your 30s.

Feb 14, 2016 But we can't be pro-active unless principles are established. So I am starting the conversation. I hope and pray the words from this post will spark further conversations in your ministries, relationships and homes. Here are 10 really important principles for Christian dating. Stop Looking for 'the One'. Feb 13, 2014 - Read about Christian dating and get advice, help and resources on Christian single living. I'm 46 years old and have been single for 8 years. I would really like to get married, but I feel like.

Christian-Focused dating pool in your 30s. And around the challenges of. So you can be in the gift of trying to start dating over 40 million monthly. At the dating older woman younger years as christians, single. Check out of trying to settle into your 30s, 2018, as too much more serious. Online dating later. As women, depending on when we were born we know precisely what single life in our late 20s and 30s looks like: a heady mix of Bridget Jones, Carrie Bradshaw and, more recently, or rather more. Jul 31, 2011 Dating at any age can be a challenge if you don’t know the ‘rules’, but dating mistakes in your 30s are a different ballgame than in your 20s.

1. People don’t ask about your dating life as much.
By 30, you’ve made it past the threshold where all your family expects from you is to settle down. Instead, you have a lot more going on they can ask about and seeing you in a relationship becomes more of a latent wish. Sure, they’ll wonder why you haven’t found someone who wants to commit, but at least there will be no more dodging questions about failed relationships or “that nice person from church.”

Christian dating in your 30s and 40s

2. You’re a little less poor.
Relationships are expensive. You spend money on gifts, dates, and everything in between. When you’re single, you’re basically cutting your expenses in half, which gives you more money to put towards other things, like your student loans or that new restaurant you’ve been wanting to try.

3. You’re at the peak of the freedom curve.
There’s a sweet spot right in the middle of life when your parents can no longer tell you what to do, professors have no power over you, and there’s no partner in your life to demand things like sacrifice and compromise. If you’re single in your 30s, you are right in the midst of that glorious time. Try not to take it for granted.

4. You make the rules.
Your 20s taught you some valuable lessons. Now, you get to map out the direction of your life with some knowledge under your belt. You get to make the rules with no one around to alter them in any way. So, eat that dessert, stay out late, dance with everyone in the nightclub. What you’re experiencing is the epitome of freedom. Relish it before someone comes along and starts asking you to share your last bite of food.

5. You’re only accountable for yourself.
Let’s be honest—life is hard. You have to balance waking up on time, eating balanced meals, getting all your work done, making time for friends, and getting enough sleep. Imagine doing this times two: that’s a relationship. Right now, you have the opportunity to do all those weird things you only do when no one else is around. Get them out of your system before someone starts crowding your personal space.

6. You get to keep that single figure.
Relationship duration is directly correlated with increased waist size (it’s science). It’s easy to get comfortable, start eating out more, spend less time at the gym, and, subsequently, rack up ten extra pounds. But not you, you’ve dodged that bullet (for now). You hold onto that single figure as long as you possibly can.

7. You’re the enviable friend.
During a period when most of your friends will spend their time splurging on weddings, chasing after babies, and figuring out their new tax bracket, you’re roaming about, living life as you please. You get to share exciting stories with friends about a life they once knew, and they’ll live vicariously through you as they try their best to conceal envy.

8. You get to enjoy being you.
In your 20s, you’re kind of fumbling around trying to figure things out. By your 30s, you’ve got a grasp on who you are and what you have to offer. It’s a beautiful time, and you get to spend it all with yourself.

You’ve reached this point after a lot of growth and hard lessons. Give yourself the time to celebrate that—you’ve earned it.

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Christian Dating In Your 30s &

What is the best Christian dating advice for someone who wants to be married? What Christian dating approach will work the best for Christian singles who desire to meet a godly spouse?

Questions like these are impossible to answer responsibly without knowing more information about the individual Christian hoping to be married one day. There are so many variables with each person that make common dating tips unhelpful and sometimes even damaging. If you apply the wrong dating advice to your life, that approach might keep you single for longer, thus having the opposite effect that you had hoped for.

One of the most amazing truths about the Bible is that it’s commands apply to all Christians and all times, no matter their individual circumstances and variables. Christian dating advice, however, should be viewed very, very different than biblical commands clearly stated in Scripture. The Bible doesn’t say you must date for 1 year before getting engaged, it doesn’t say you must be friends for 6 months, it doesn’t say you must only hang out with the opposite sex in group settings – in fact, the Bible doesn’t say anything directly about Christian dating or courting.

Certainly there are clear commands and principles in the Bible that should always shape your Christian dating approach (do not marry an unbeliever, do not be friends with the world, do not have premarital sex, flee sexual temptation, etc.), but there is not one Christian dating path that God has commanded for all Christians.

One of the biggest variables that should alter the Christian dating approach you are using is your age and spiritual maturity. A 20-year-old single man should be approaching Christian dating very differently than a 45-year-old single woman.

So how should your Christian dating approach change the older you get?

The Motives of Your Heart and Your Morality Should Remain the Same No Matter What Age You Are

Christian Dating In Your 30s

Before we talk about how your dating approach should change, I think it is wise to first talk about what should not change. Whether you are a Christian single who wants to be married and you are 19 or you are 65, your motives for marriage and your commitment to biblical morality should be the same.

As I’ve discussed before, it is not wrong to want to be married. As long as your motives for marriage are to glorify God, then your desire for marriage his healthy and biblical. Certainly a desire for marriage can be idolatrous and sinful if your motives are impure, but God is the one who made marriage and God is the one who puts the desire for marriage on most Christians’ hearts.

Not only should your motive for marriage always be pure, your commitment to honoring God with your morality must also never waver no matter how old or young you are. Some Christians fall for the lie, “Well, I’m young so I can sin now in the relationship because God knows I’m just being an immature kid.” Others fall for the lie of, “Well those relationship rules are just for kids. I’m a mature adult so I can sin in these ways because that’s what adults do.”

The clear commands in Scripture are not given to older or younger Christians. God’s commands are given to Christians. The commands to not have premarital sex (1 Corinthians 7:2), to not marry an unbeliever (1 Corinthians 7:39), to not commit adultery (Exodus 20:14), and all the commands like these must always shape your dating approach regardless of how young or old you are.

So the inner motives and obedience to God should always be the same. Your practical approach to Christian dating should be altered with your age and spiritual maturity if you hope to see the best results as possible.

You Should Be More Patient in Practical Ways the Younger You Are to Meet People

I believe one of the biggest differences in your dating approach that should change as you get older is the time you allow relationships to develop. When you are in your early twenties for example, the advice to “just give it time” and “just try to be friends first” and other advice focused more on patience and waiting are much more appropriate and wise.

For example, when you are younger, I don’t recommend Christian online dating. Rather, you should focus on developing all the other social circles in your life as these other areas of your life are often the way you will meet your spouse. Going to small group with people your age, going to college, hanging out with other Christian friends, and joining other young adults in service projects are very common ways that God ends up brining to Christians together.

In short, when you are younger, you shouldn’t force it. Let things progress naturally.

You Should Be More Proactive in Practical Ways the Older You Are to Meet People

While the above approach certainly would not be a sin to do if you were getting older, I do believe that is wise to more proactive and intentional about meeting people the older you get. If the “just wait and see” approach has happened before the age of 25, I personally would recommend upping the energy you are putting into dating.

This is really just my opinion, but if you are single and you want to be married and you are under 25, I wouldn’t feel pressure to be more proactive. There’s nothing wrong with being more proactive if you are under 25, I just don’t think it is that necessary. Usually you will just meet someone naturally though when you are normal, socially active Christian single.

I feel that those who are over 25 are transitioning away from being a “young adult” and into being a normal adult. With this transition into full adulthood, I think it is wise to slowly begin to change your dating practices. Nothing drastic at first. I’m not saying everyone over 25 needs to freak out, everyone in the 30s must online date, and everyone in the 40s better higher a marriage recruiter.

There’s no law or formulas here. My point is that when you become an adult and you are more spiritually mature, you should feel freer to pursue a relationship in a more direct and intentional way.

Christian Dating In Your 30s

You Should Be More Forward and Move Faster When You Like Someone as an Older Christian Single

These first two points are really focusing on meeting people. I’m trying to say that when you are younger you will generally meet potential Christian spouses more naturally because more people your age are single. When more people start getting married and you are more mature yourself, it just makes sense that you are just more active and intentional about meeting people from the opposite sex.

Another way I believe you should change your dating approach when you are getting older is the way you interact with someone that you like. When you are younger, I think it makes more sense to try the “become friends first” rout and just see where it goes. As you get older, I think it is wiser to be more forward and to move faster in the relationship than you would have as a young adult.

Why? Because going slow or fast is not the point. The point is to date in a way that is honoring to Christ, protects your heart, but accomplishes the purpose of dating which is to see if you two want to get married. In theory, when you are older your heart should be more mature to date faster without getting hurt or too high of expectations.

When you are young, you are prone to be naive and get hurt. Hopefully as a full adult you have learned how to engage in a dating relationship without being totally crushed if it doesn’t work out. Hopefully you are spiritually mature enough to discern more quickly if this person is a quality Christian or not. In short, as you mature you theoretically should not need as much time as a younger, less experienced Christian might need to gauge your compatibility with this person for marriage.

You Should Lean More on the Courting Side When Younger and More on the Dating Side When Older

Christian Dating In Your 30s Book

Perhaps the best way to sum up my beliefs about how your dating approach should change with age is to say that you should lean more on the Christian courting side when you are a young adult and more on the Christian dating side when you are a full adult.

For a full explanation between the differences in Christian courting and dating, you may want to watch/read this resource What’s the Difference Between Christian Dating and Courting?

A quick summary is that courting emphasizes guarding your heart, taking things slow, using a period of friendship before courting, having lots of community accountability built into the courting relationship, and emphasizing the desire for marriage early in the courting relationship.


The Christian dating approach, however, focuses more on entering into a dating relationship faster, being open to dating before knowing the person really well, and waiting to talk about marriage until the dating relationship has progressed much further than when it first began.

Meeting Women In Your 30s

As you get older and more mature, I think it is wise to transition away from the Christian courting model and move towards the Christian dating approach.

Dating In Your 30s Women

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